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Virtual App Disclaimer

This message gets the legal disclosures for the Virtual Medical Services out of the way…….

Continued use of this application constitutes your express understanding and acceptance of the below limitations and conditions, and your acknowledgement that you have received and reviewed MyMD Select’s privacy policies and other attached notices.

MyMD Connect and its Physicians are licensed to practice medicine in limited states. Any services provided to persons located outside of those states will not include the practice of medicine, which includes the diagnosis and treatment of any medical condition. Guidance and advocacy services are available worldwide.

MyMD Connect, and its virtual app capabilities are intended to handle non-emergency medical issues. If you are experiencing a medical emergency, you should not utilize MyMD Connect, or its virtual app. In case of a life threatening medical event you should dial 911 immediately.

While virtual medicine can be, and often is much more convenient for both patients and physicians, the virtual relationship, by its nature, cannot be as effective as a face to face, in person visit with a physician. A virtual doctor’s appointment can sometimes be a substitute for a face to face, in person visit, but should not be the sole means of communication and consultation between a patient and all physician services.

MyMD Connect utilizes on staff Advance Practice Nurses and/or Physician Assistants. These are not doctors, but are other providers who have received advanced education and training in the provision of health care. You may, at any time, refuse to see the Advance Practice Nurse and/or Physician Assistant and request to see a physician.

If you are a parent, seeking medical services for a minor child, you must give permission for the child to be treated, unless the physician determines that an emergency exists. For you to utilize any medical services, including virtual services, provided by MyMD Select or its providers on behalf of a minor child, you must first review the Authorization for Medical Treatment of Minors Form. 

Pursuant to federal and state law, MyMD Connect's privacy policies may be available attached to this notice and at You must review such policies to continue using this application, and medical services. In addition to this notice, other notices and disclosures may be found attached to this message.


Continued use of this application constitutes your express understanding and acceptance of the above limitations and conditions, and your acknowledgement that you have received and reviewed MyMD Connect’s privacy policies and other attached notices.


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We’d love to hear from you! Please fill out this short form and one of our representatives will contact you within 2 business days. Thank you!


3614 N. University Drive

Nacogdoches, TX 75965

Tel: 936-720-7152

**This form is for general inquiries onlynot for medical needs.

If you are already a MyMD Connect member, contact your medical provider via the Spruce App.**

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